Got a unique Scottish hobby, collection, experience?
Like to spill the beans, tell it all, catch someone doing something wonderful or interesting? This is your chance within Clan Henderson. An Canach is going to be searching for articles on Scots-related things that are interesting about our rank and file Clan Henderson Members. Do you or someone you know have an interesting hobby, collection, achievement related to having a Scottish heritage? If so we’d like to know about it. We envision a series of short articles about all sorts of things. Here are some possibilities that might fire up your desire to share.
A recipe from an ancestor in Scotland for a traditional dish that you still make in your home? (For example- holiday cakes, seafood soups, marmalades)
A collection of Scottish items that you would like to show off. ( Examples: harps, weapon replicas, football banners- anything really)?
Experience in playing a number of the golf courses in Scotland who would briefly describe them for other would-be golfers? Or someone who has attended a number of Scottish Games in the country where they were invented- what was unique/special about each one?
The “know-how” to drape an Arisad?
A story about being an exchange student in Scotland?
Plants that are native to Scotland in your house or garden?
A business that sells Scottish items- Gift Shop, Book Shop, Liquor store with a long line of Scotches, Fabric Shop with many tartan patterns, Bagpipe Sales & Repairs, Travel agency that specializes in trips to Scotland, etc.
Special knowledge of contemporary or ancient Scottish art or architecture, literature or authors, religions, music, etc.
A story about studying Gaelic (at the Language School in Skye, for example)
Scottish dogs or horses traditionally breed in Scotland?
These are just a few ideas. If you’ve got something in mind, great, here’s the deal. We want it to be about Hendersons or related name groups which mean “sons of Henry” which are listed on the front page of An Canach issues. (If it’s on the maternal line that’s fine, too!) It would be best if they are members of the Clan Henderson Society (but not necessary). Shoot an email to Mary Henderson at and briefly describe the thing you think is interesting that you think other An Canach readers might find interesting as well. Give your name and contact information along with the name of the person you are talking about (if it’s different). You must ask if this person is willing to share with us about whatever it is. Let Mary Henderson know if you would like to write a draft of the story, yourself, or would like her to find someone to do it for you. A photo or two always makes an article more interesting. Mary is undertaking to collect these kinds of stories and will send them to Beth Gay Freeman, An Canach Editor.
Let’s get to know more about each other! And, not incidentally more about our common Scottish heritage.