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Interesting History Files

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1. English Planted Towns in Ulster by Faik Koktemir 


by Faik Köktemir


2.  The Scots-Irish: Scottish Origins, Irish Experiences and American Dreams by Stephen Hammock

The Scots-Irish: Scottish Origins, Irish Experiences, and American Dreams

by Stephen Hammock

3.  The Ulster Plantation: 1556-1640 by Timothy E. Miller

The Ulster Plantation: 1556-1640

by Timothy E Miller

4.  The fatal ingredient of the covenant: the place of the Ulster Scottish community during the 1640's (Reshaping Ireland. 1550-1700 Colonization and its consequences. ed. Brian Mac Cuarta) by Kevin Forkan

'The fatal ingredient of the covenant': the place of the Ulster Scottish community during the 1640s (Reshaping Ireland, 1550–1700 Colonization and its consequences, ed. Brian Mac Cuarta)

by Kevin Forkan























Rocks and Clouds

10. 'The fatal ingredient of the covenant': the place of the Ulster Scottish community during the 1640s (Reshaping Ireland, 1550–1700 Colonization and its consequences, ed. Brian Mac Cuarta)

The Art of the Picts: Sculpture and Metalwork in Early Medieval Scotland. By George Henderson and Isabel Henderson. 290mm. Pp 256, 326 b&w figs and pls, 6 maps. London: Thames & Hudson, 2004. ISBN 0500238073. £42 (hdbk)

19.  The Kilt and the Bloody Border: Scottish and Scots/Irish Cultural Identity in the British Isles and the New World

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